30 September 2008 – Praise and Prayer from Robert & Dara Peh

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation” (Psalm 68:19, KJV).

It has been a few months since we last updated our Blog. THANK GOD! He has preserved us. The Lord is always faithful and He has kept us going and busy in the ministry all these while. Thanks for remembering us and for praying for us. Due to our previous e-mail account being hacked in July, we could not read our e-mails and were experiencing difficulties updating our Blog as it shares the same passwords as our previous e-mail account. However, thank God that the problem has now been solved and we could once again update out Blog.

Thank God for the water baptism of 9 souls in September. God is gracious. He is still working in the lives of the villagers here in Den Luang village. Slowing but certainly, we believe that as many as were ordained by God unto eternal life would believe (Acts 13:48). God has His Own timing in saving souls and drawing people unto Himself as Jesus says, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:44, KJV). Please keep praying for us as we reach out to the Red Lahus for Christ.

By now, our church, the Truth B-P Church is 8 years old. All these years in Den Luang village, we have been running the church in the Christian Home of Love premises. We have been praying to God and waiting upon the Lord for the construction of a church building. Thank God for leading us and providing for us to purchase a piece of land for this purpose. The location is quite near our Home, just within walking distance. Since last year, much effort has been put into this project, “according to the good hand of [our] God upon [us]” (Nehemiah 2:8, KJV). Thank God for the labour of love of all who are with us in this undertaking. God willing, we hope to raise an amount of SGD$350,000 for this project. And if the Lord wills, the church complex shall be built next year, as a Christian center for evangelism and a beacon of light to the village. Brethren, pray with us.

Very soon, the children in the Christian Home of Love will be sitting for their mid-term examinations from 6th to 8th October. Thank God for helping them in their studies thus far. They are all difference in strengths and personalities. They are good in the ways that God has created them. Teachers would also praise them for their abilities, though they may still be the mischievous ones in class. Most of them would usually represent their school in competitions such as the English contest, drawing, Mathematics, sports etc. Thank God for them and for enabling them to do what they could do, just like what Paul has said, “…by the grace of God I am what I am: and His grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me” (1 Corinthians 15:10, KJV). Do uphold them in your prayer.

Thank God for you, for all your prayer for us and our ministry.

His unworthy servants,
Robert, Dara, Evangel, Evangeline Peh
& all in the Christian Home of Love
& Truth B-P Church, Thailand