8 October 2010 - Praise and Prayer from Robert & Dara Peh

“Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon His name, make known His deeds among the people” (1 Chronicles 16:8, KJV).

Thank God for the 3 weeks of school break. Second school term will start on Saturday for Dara. It will begin on the 9 October 2010 and end on the last week of January 2011. Thank God for enabling Dara to complete almost all the given assignments in the last 3 weeks. Do pray for her for good success in the new semester, for good health and for strength to manage all her responsibilities and for us as we travel every weekend together as a family.

Praise the Lord! Children had just completed their mid term exams this week. Holidays have already begun for them. School will resume in November. Pray that they will use their time fruitfully. This month (October), we are teaching them on the topic of prayer and God willing, we will use the holiday period to help them to spend more time praying, working out what they have learned in their daily lives.

Thank God that every year we could organise Christmas outreaches to proclaim the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through messages, songs and performances. We have already started cutting the costumes and creating our own props. Do pray for Robert and Dara for wisdom in preparing the messages and writing the scripts for all the performances, for ideas in composing songs and music, for creativity for Dara in designing the costume and the props as well as for Abigail our seamstress and her husband brother Tair who sew the cloth together. Do also commit all our rehearsals to God in your prayer. Everyone in the Christian Home of Love will be actively involved in this endeavour together with some of our church members, as the Bible admonishes us, “not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11, KJV).

John is working hard digesting his school books. He is three quarter way through his reading and still has slightly more than 1,500 pages to go. Thanks for praying for him. Do continue to uphold him in your prayer as he prepares for his coming exams on the last week end of October. May the Lord bring to remembrance what he has learned and help him to do well for His own glory and honour!

Do pray also for Evangel and Evangeline in their studies. Due to the constant traveling and many activities in our lives and ministry, since young they were both trained to readily adjust themselves to fit in to their daily activities. Thank God that we could do home schooling with them. It allows them to study by their own paces with flexibility. By God’s grace, they are doing well according to their own standard. Pray that they will continue to grow healthily and strong in the Lord, “in favour both with the LORD, and also with men” (1 Samuel 2:26, KJV).

Do remember our paddy field in your prayer. The older boys still have to go to the field every day, checking the water level, removing the weeds, giving fertiliser, cutting grass, and making sure that everything is fine. May the Lord grant us a good harvest in due time! Harvesting may begin around the end of November, if the Lord wills.

It’s raining lesser now. We will be contacting the construction company soon to make arrangement and preparation for the Church building project. There is a need to dig a bore-well to bring in the water supply. May the Lord help us and lead us as we work things out in the days ahead. We covet your prayer in this enormous work that God has laid upon us.

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest” (Ecclesiastes 9:10, KJV).

God bless you all!